Saturday, July 23, 2011

Shaking our fur dry

To conclude our segment on the abomination that humans refer to as "bath time", here are two short video clips of Morry and Coppy being blow dried at the "Piggy Spa". They are clearly still damp and spiky-furred from the bath... *durrs in disapproval

Oddly enough, even though Morry is a long-haired Peruvian, and therefore has much more fur, he takes less time to dry than the Americans do (Belka, Peaches and Truffle). Perhaps that is because he keeps trying to shake his fur dry in between mad bouts of grooming his facial fur. Our slaves always think he looks really cute when he does this, sort of like a bicolored mop.

Like Morry, Coppy is also trying to groom herself after the bath mussed her fur. She rears up on her hind legs to shake herself dry, sort of like a horse. Speaking of which, our vet once said that piggies smell like horses because of the hay that we both eat. Since whee have never owned a horse before, and neither have our slaves, we can't verify if this is true or not. But since our vet owns both horses and piggies, we shall take her word for it. Wheek, baths and vets! *runs off to hide in a pigloo

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