Friday, July 22, 2011

Piggy Pics of the Day: Being blow dried at the spa

A very disgruntled Truffle

Of course, since we piggies are not self-drying creatures, after every bath comes something equally as trying - blow drying! Our slaves try to fool us by telling us that whee are getting a complimentary blow drying after our shampoo fur treatment at the "piggy spa", but we know better. The phrase "Piggy Spa" is to be dreaded, such as in the case of "manicures" and "pedicures", which is really just their code word for nail trimming. WhEEK!

What they are actually trying to do is ensure that whee end up with soft, shiny, pettable fur. Or style us so we end up looking ridiculous, like long-haired Morry the Peruvian. He always ends up looking like he has a lion's mane around his head. He insists it is not as funny as it sounds.

While some piggies may not mind baths, so far absolutely none of us has ever enjoyed being blow dried. That  hair dryer is the devil! *DURR durr durr

Bleary-eyed Cinnamon

Squinting Caramel

Slighty damp Sharky: "I've been abused!"

Morry, pre lion mane

Coppy being toweled off: "How could you do this to me?!"

Poof bracing herself against the offensive onslaught of the dryer

An extremely offended, spiky, porcupine-like Belka

Peaches wrapped up like a burrito = Peachrrito?

Revy plotting an escape route from the dreaded dryer

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