Thursday, July 21, 2011

Piggy Pics of the Day: Non-fun in the suds, aka BATH TIME!

Coppy in her bubble bath

It's a word that (almost) every piggy fears hearing: BATH! :(

So imagine our displeasure when those pesky humans of ours decided to give us all a bath this past weekend. So what if whee were a bit yellow, dirty, fur-stained, or smelly? Piggies are just NOT MEANT to be squeaky (or is it wheeky?) clean! *chut chut grumble grumble

Oddly enough, the humans have run into piggies who haven't minded baths in the past. Their first two, Cinnamon and Caramel, actually enjoyed their washings. They were very calm and squeaked the same way they would when they were enjoying a nice petting. Observe them inexplicably relaxing in the tub below.


The same could not be said for Sharky and Coppy - when they were given their first baths as younger piggies, they clawed the humans so much it looked like a cat had attacked!

Morry was relatively well behaved during his baths... maybe because he preferred his long Peruvian locks shiny and clean.



True to form, Truffle and Belka tried to leap out of their bath tubs. They did not succeed in escaping, but did manage to leave slippery trails of suds everywhere to mark their noble endeavors.

Surprisingly, and quite contrary to their usual Abyssinian attitudes, Poof and Revy were relatively calm. Perhaps they also wanted to be wheeky clean? After all, Poof did manage to turn her bathwater yellow...

Poof - dancing in the tub or getting her tummy washed?

Peaches kept grunting every time she was sprayed down... she must have been under the impression that Belka was spraying her with pee again.


Revy's fur - a piggy's study in abstract art

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