Wednesday, August 17, 2011

PiggyPoems: On world domination

Hard at work

Coppy took a brief interlude from her daily piggy world domination plans to compose these lovely haikus:

Wheek out loud you may,
But world takeover's a must
For all cavykind!

Whee plot every day
But thinking makes us hungry
Must pause to have lunch

Chut chut squeak squeak wheeEEEK!
Crinkle crinkle, nom nom munch
Peegs hungry no more.

One small step for peeg,
One big leap for cavykind!
Starting with the moon.

O carrot, carrot!
Wherefore art thou, my carrot?
New goal, veggie bin.

Dear Vexatious Fridge,
Oh why must you thwart me so?
You hide what whee seek.

Ah ha, solution!
Summon humans - wheek wheek wheek
Who's the real boss here?

The author emerges from her secluded gnaw-able hideaway

...because even world leaders have to eat!

PiggyPoems: World Domination

Now presenting the Cali Cavy Collective's Piggy Poems, here is our very first Piggy Haiku!

Whee look innocent
But do not be fooled humans
Pigs shall rule the world!

Yes, I am plotting to take over the world on behalf of all cavykind. It is an ongoing endeavor, but whee SHALL prevail!

Signed, Coppy

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Piggy Pics of the Day: Piggies Rule

Like Murphy's law, its just another indisputable fact of life that piggies rule! Here whee are posing with the decorative wooden block our humans brought back from the Pignic. As you can see, whee don't always wish to cooperate with the photographer... well, piggy modeling is hard work you know!

Poof somehow managed to get her nose dirty - even though everything around her is clean

Peaches decides to rebel

"Okay we're done for today, I hear a fridge full of veggies calling my name!"

OCCH Pignic!

Last weekend, our humans went to Orange County Cavy Haven's Pignic! What's a pignic? Well, its like a picnic, except with guinea pigs - except in this case, with many pigs, so it was essentially one big piggy party! Sadly, whee did not get to attend because our humans didn't want to put us through the long drive, but here are some of the pigtures they showed us.

Even though they were gone for less than 24 hours, our humans told us they really missed us. Many people brought their piggies and had them out in pens on the grass. In addition to showing several adoptable pigs, there were free piggy health checks, nail trimmings, and boar cleansing. They were also selling guinea pig toys and supplies.

This sounded like the most delicious part - a veggie eating contest! All the piggies and their humans sat in a circle to see who could eat their lettuce the fastest. If whee had a veggie eating contest, we would place our bet on Peaches to be the fastest eater.

Ready, set...


Nom nom nom

First place veggie eating winner

OCCH also held a raffle, where all proceeds go to help their rescue pigs (like Revy). Our humans favorites were the piggy products, which included things from cloth huts to a large basket of Oxbow treats.

Cute shirt, the piggy on the front sort of looks like Peaches!

Picking raffle tickets from the pigloo

Very cute drawing 

Our humans also got to listen to some very informative talks. Nikki from OCCH talked about piggy diet and nutrition. Dr. Tom Greek gave an overview of basic cavy health and described some common illnesses.

In between all these activities, our humans walked around visiting with the other piggies. It was pretty warm out, so many of the pigs were resting in the shade, hiding under pigloos or blankets, and sitting next to cold water bottles. Our humans told us they found Morry's lookalike!

"Being cute is so tiring, it makes me sleepy!"

Morry's cousin!

A very Morry-like expression

"Do you have a treat for me?"

Napping in the stroller

To our displeasure, there was also a cavy costume contest. Whee sort of wish they hadn't seen that, because now our girl wants to dress us up in costumes and outfits! The horror! *scampers away to hide in pigloo

Our favorite, Gin Gin the diva queen

Ballerina peeg looks a lot like our Sharky

Trojan Bunny hides treats instead of Trojans 

Abyssinian Bumblebee

King of Peegs

So many costumes for us to hide from

Whee may not have gotten to go to Pignic, but at least our humans brought us back some presents. They got us a GuineaLynx Cavy Health Record Book, two veggie shaped food bowls, a cushioned cozy, a guinea pig decal, a "Piggies Rule" wooden block, a small bottle of Health Force Nutritional's Green Mush probiotic, and a handmade piggy wallet purse - although whee think the last one was more for the girl than for us! Our favorite is the Gin Gin's Comfy Cozy. Apparently, you can even get them customized with your pigture and name on it!

Gin Gin's Comfy Cozies and her decorated diva cage

Hmm, maybe our slaves will get us some!

Well that was quite a long post. Whee are hungry, and will be going off to eat. Bye for now!