Monday, April 27, 2009

One of my favoriates

Sometimes, life is a little overwhelming and you lack the time to update your capybara blog. But then when you take the time, you remember: Capybaras are what's really important in the world. I apologize for the hiatus, we return to your regularly-scheduled baras this week!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

linearity is fun!

I'm not sure where this line of capybaras is, but I wish I was there!

Monday, April 13, 2009

late night with caplin rous

On Friday night, my fiancee and I ended up being out with friends, eagerly anticipating Caplin's television debut. But unfortunately, we arrived home having JUST MISSED HIM! Depressed, we decided to wait up for the 1:00 am showing... but of course fell asleep. Sadness overtook us as we went back to bed...

At 4:58 am for some reason I'm not clear on, I woke up! Oh my gosh, Caplin's show is on again at 5 am! So fiancee and I rushed out of the room, turned on the TV, and saw the most wonderful sight ever -- Caplin, and his person, on TV! It was ten minutes of pre-dawn happiness for us. I'm sure glad my brain somehow knew to wake up just then. To celebrate, here is a lovely late-night photo of two capybaras, enjoing a snack!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Public Service Announcement: Tomorrow, 10 pm, On Animal Planet

This is just a note that tomorrow at 10 pm eastern Animal Planet will be airing their special:

Animal Planet's Most Outrageous
Odd Looking Pets

From blinged out cats, to seriously ripped dogs, America is full of bizarre and wonderful pets. Giant, yogurt-eating rodents and tiny pet pigs may make unusual companions, but their owners can't get enough of them.

This is Caplin's debut on the small-screen! I know that I am getting together with my other capy-friends and we are all going to be watching -- people are even visiting from out of town for this momentous occasion!


I wish I were relaxing like this lovely capybara...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


This Capybara is interested in supplemental dental insurance. You know how important their teeth are!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


This very serious 'bara is concerned that foreign capital inflows might exacerbate economic bubbles. I bet a Capybara would make an excellent Fed chairman.