Saturday, April 2, 2011

New Toys!

"May I have some too please?"
Three cozies, four cavies in a row
Whee are especially excited to show you the new toys we got today! Our slaves went to an adoption/education event held by Orange County Cavy Haven and came back with not one, but three cozy sacks for us! Whee piggies love it whenever our slaves attend one of their events, because it always means that they come back with new toys or treats for us.

Cozy sacks, also known as cozies, are portable roomy guinea pig sized pouches for us to sleep, hide, and play in. They are quite multifunctional - sort of like a sleeping bag and a cave rolled up into one, and are usually made with fleece so we will stay dry even if we decide to go to the bathroom inside. Human slaves also find these useful for carrying us, especially because most piggies become nervous when being transported somewhere. Letting us hide in our cozy allows us to feel safer and more secure while simultaneously allowing the human to carry us without the usual squirming.

Our slaves picked out three for us, two have a ladybug pattern and the other has a colorful heart pattern. In the meantime, feel free to look at our pictures, all of which are clickable so you may see our cuteness up close (no, whee are too cute to believe in modesty). We've spent the last few hours playing in them and have worked up quite an appetite, so its off to munching on some hay!

"Wait, this isn't the entrance!"
Demonstrating the sleeping bag function
All snuggled up

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