Saturday, April 2, 2011

Barbados Sheep Lambs

Have you heard the saying, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb." Well here at Wildwood Wildlife Park, March came in with 4 lambs - Barbados Lambs that is!

We welcomed these adorable Barbados sheep on March 28, 2011.

These regal looking sheep is a breed of domestic sheep that originated in the Caribbean island of Barbados from hair sheep brought in by traders from Africa during the 1600s. They are also known as Blackbelly Barbados.

The Barbados sheep are very fast and in many ways resemble deer. They are "hair sheep" which means they do not grow wool. Instead, they have long coarse hair. Barbados sheep raised in cooler climates, such as at Wildwood Wildlife Park, will adapt to the cooler temperatures by developing a very fine wool undercoat that they will shed in the spring.


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