Friday, April 1, 2011

Meet the Piggies: Peaches

Name: Peaches
Age: 10 months old
Weight: 1066 grams/ 2lbs, 5.6oz
Description: blonde and white Dutch with four white socks
Favorite foods: grass, wheatgrass, romaine lettuce... loves practically EVERYTHING
Favorite activities: inhaling grass outside, eating like a madpig, lounging in the soft comfy hammock, competing for food, squealing for food

Peaches favorite activity (eating) and favorite food (romaine lettuce)

Story: Peaches came to live with the slaves in September 2010. Our human slaves quickly discovered her favorite pastime - eating! Peaches can often be found still chowing away upstairs long after the rest of us have finished eating our fill and retreated back into our hideaways to sleep. Out of the younger cavies, Peaches is the most friendly and sociable to the slaves. We theorize this is because she knows that the nicer she is to them, the more likely they are to pet her and spoil her with treats! When she is not eating, she can typically be found engaging in her other favorite activity, snoozing in the hammock. This does get frustrating for us sometimes.. after all, only one pig can fit in there at a time, and since she has a tendency to hog it for hours, the rest of us rarely ever get a turn! Our slaves named her Peaches because she was tan and white colored, like peaches and cream.

Resting in her favorite toy - the hammock!

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