Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cali Cavy Collective Celebrates Earth Day

Representatives from the Cali Cavy Collective would like to raise awareness for and celebrate Earth Day, on April 22nd!

Earth Day was founded by a U.S. senator who saw the devastating effects of an oil spill in Santa Barbara, California in 1969. His goal was to bring environmental issues into a more prominent position on the national political agenda. Today, Earth Day is meant to raise public awareness for the environment and bring attention to environmental causes, such as the need to create a healthy, sustainable environment for future generations and the planet we all share.

Personally, we cavies are planning to celebrate by consuming large quantities of fresh vegetables and cranberry juice, then creating lots of organic poops that would be excellent for compost and fertilization purposes. Our humans also had us pose for a recycling themed photo shoot in various recyclable containers (plastic, glass, cardboard, and aluminum foil) as a reminder to recycle! After the very exhausting and time consuming photo shoot (whee had to take five whole minutes out of our busy daily lives!), they gave us a pile of baby lettuce leaves to chow on. Good for getting started on our celebration of Earth Day!

"I'd better get paid extra for this..."
"I wonder if this thing I'm sitting on is edible?"

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