Sunday, August 7, 2011

SmartPig: Printer Error Code Poof

Poof: SmartPig or LolPig?

Poof was trying to set up one of those all-in-one printer/scanner/fax machines earlier. However, she got a little sidetracked investigating all the different buttons. As she reported back, the humans will make noises of protest if you nibble on them. Whoever would have guessed that they are chewable? Needless to say, she ended up leaving the job to the humans.

Anyways, whee also wanted to bring your attention to her first pigture. Many people have heard of LolCats. Well, whee personally think that we piggies are just as cute as (if not more so) than cats, so why shouldn't we also be represented? That's why we came up with LolPigs, featuring guinea pigs!

So piggy friends and fans, what do you think? Do you enjoy chewing rubber buttons like Poof and Belka do? Does the world need LolPigs? Or should whee leave this to the cats?

SmartPig: A series highlighting the Cali Cavy Collective's forays into the world of technology. Who needs a smartphone when you can have a SmartPig?

Poof tries reading the instructions

...then decides to leave the job to the humans instead. Oooh, chewy buttons!

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